Dating and courtship are very important for people to do and know a lot about. I admit I dated A LOT in high school. Not always the boys with the best standards, but I learned a lot from my experiences. I can now see what qualities are most important to me for my future spouse. I believe that dating is an important experience for youth to have and you need to date/court to marry. The church has advised youth not to date until they are 16. I find this counsel to be VERY wise!
Youth! Date only those with high standards! DO NOT lower your standards for anyone! You may think that you want to date the bad boy of high school NO! You should want to date someone who is a worthy priesthood holder, who you could see yourself taking to the temple. I repeat with experience and love, DO NOT LOWER YOUR STANDARDS!
Decide right now what is most important to you for your future family, for the qualities you want and so forth. Do not date those who do not live up to the things on your list.
Top Ten things for me, in no particular order, are:
1. Worthy Priesthood Holder
2. Respects me
3. Values and Understand the Importance of The Gospel
4. Never says Anything degrading
5. Treats Everyone around with pure LOVE
6. Temple Worthy
7. Loves his Mom!
8. Loves to laugh and have fun
9. Makes me want to be a better person
10. Always strives to better his relationship with God.
A lot of these are very similar, but each are very important and involve a lot more that the words that are written. I am so sure about the type of man I want to marry. I will not settle for anyone less than these standards plus a few more. Some people say that I will not be able to find someone with these qualities, but I know that I can. God wants each of us, His children, to be happy, so He will make a way for each of us to have the spouse we need and desire for our eternal happiness.
Dating and courtship are very big responsibilities! It is a real and serious thing, but also a fun thing!!! I have loved dating and I will when I get home as well, but I will NOT lower my standards for the man I want to marry in the temple.
Watch the vintage LDS video below of a boy and his dreams to date his dream girl!
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